Teacher Training




International House Nice is also a Europass Teacher Academy centre. Building on our many years of experience in teaching languages, we also provide teacher training to teachers coming from all over Europe (and the globe!).

Our one-week courses cover a wide variety of areas such as Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Creativity and Soft Skills, Arts and Well-Being, Classroom Management and many more. Here is the complete list of our teacher training courses.



Our courses are designed for teachers of all levels and subjects, from kindergarten teachers to high-school maths or History teachers. These courses are an incredible opportunity to acquire new skills, discover innovative teaching methods or brush up your teacher's skills. They are facilitated in English by an experienced trainer (you do not need to be fluent in English to follow the course, but at least level A2 is recommended).

Thanks to the Erasmus Plus KA1 programme, European schools or organisations working in education can apply for funding to train their teachers and staffs via mobility projects. This is an amazing opportunity for EU schools to take part in teacher trainings abroad, and our Europass Teacher Academy courses are eligible for these fundings. 

Finally, our Europass courses are also a wonderful experience as you will meet fellow teachers from other countries and visit our sunny and beautiful French Riviera!


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